Thursday, July 19

Radioactive spill 1000 times greater. BBC video.

I tisdags skrev DN att "halvannan liter radioaktivt vatten läckt ut" efter jordbävningen i Japan. På onsdag hade det blivit "1 200 liter vatten som rann ut i havet". DN kommenterade inte den tusenfaldiga ökningen utan lät sig nöjas med att FNs atomenergiorgan IAEA har blandat sig i utredningen. Detta trots att FN driver kärnkraftsvänliga teser även genom sin klimatpanel, IPCC, som bildades två år efter Tjernobylkatastrofen 1986.

Nu har IPCC fått människor att betrakta koldioxid som den största miljöfaran och etablerat en tro på att människan kan kontrollera klimatet. Att anpassa samhället till oundvikliga förändringar i, på och utanför jorden tycks inte ha någon högre prioritet i dagens klimat- och energipolitik, som den framställs i DNs klimatspecial. Där förmedlas utan kritiska frågetecken budskapet att "kärnkraften kan bidra till att vända utvecklingen" i en artikel om IPCCs tredje delrapport.

Democracy Now reports above that the Monday Earthquake caused about three hundred gallons of radioactive water to spill into the sea.

This is 1000 times more than what was stated on Tuesday in a leading Swedish newspaper, Dagens Nyheter. A small notice reported that it was only "minor" spillage of about one and a half litre. Though it has increased to 1200 litres in the same newspaper on Wednesday, no comments could be found on the discrepancy.

The Swedish reporters seemed to be satisfied with the notice that the UN atomic energy agency, IAEA, will be involved in the accident investigation. That is remarkable, since the UN promotes nuclear power also through its climate panel, IPCC, established two years after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

The IAEA "carries out programmes to maximize the useful contribution of nuclear technology to society while verifying its peaceful use" (quote from press release).

For IPCC focus on human escape-goats and ignorance to space phenomena: see other entries in this blog.

BBC World video reporting on other effects of the Earthquake.

Monday, July 16

BBC-video: Radioactive leak in Japan. Ignored by Global Warming politics?

Jordbävningen i Japan och läckaget av radioaktivitet från ett kärnkraftverk är en kuslig påminnelse om vad som komma kan, om klimatpolitiken gör att Jordens kärnenergiresurser byggs ut ytterligare. Såna kopplingar görs inte i DN eller SvD men utvecklas här.
Fler klimatinlägg och kommentarer på svenska.

Last Earth-quake in Japan and the resulting radioactive leak is a scary reminder of what may come if Global Warming politics succeed in expanding nuclear industry.

"Further information regarding the radioactive leak is hard to access. Some suggest an 'order of suppression' has been mandated." (Battros, Earth Changes Media)

There are strong evidence that climate changes cannot be prevented, only adapted to.
See margin links and past entries in
this blog.

Wednesday, July 11

Nuclear energy against Global Warming - Warning!

Nuclear energy may not live up to its promise as the solution for global warming.
Four recent articles in Truthout

Sunday, July 8

To Live Earth from Chernobyl with IPCC

This blogg was opened 7/7 2007 during the Live Earth TV campaign, which intends to educate people in reducing carbon dioxide emissions to prevent climate change.

Such mass-'education' will reinforce people's unawareness of the need of adaptation to inevitable climate change. Thereby many lives are threatened in our and next generations, particularly in developing countries

Even worse is that it may increase emissions of really poisonous substances.
A small but apparent example is the mercury in energy saving lightbulbs.

The greatest hazard to life on Earth induced by current climate politics, though, is the forthcoming production and spread of radioactive material from nuclear power industry, now recovering from the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

Human CO2 emissions are blamed in political campaigns with enormous financial transfers in the energy sector and human activities such as in Live Earth. They take time, money and mental resources from individual citizens - to reinforce influence and power for governments in industrialised countries.
Most of these down-top transfers are based on research selected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, established in 1988.

Now, top-politicians become popular even for their collection of resources from individual energy consumers. By blaming escape-goats for extensive CO2 emissions wealthy people and politicians such as Al Gore, increase their popularity in a similar way as did the medieval Inquisition. Though the punishment is much less severe, the mobbing process is the same.

Note the short time interval between the radioactive rainfalls from the Chernobyl nuclear plant (1986) and the formal establishment of IPCC (1988).
Does anybody know facts confirming that IPCC was created as a result from post-Chernobyl lobbying by the nuclear power and weapon industry?

Now, IPCC reports have raised media attention and public concern of Global Warming. (After the 1970's energy crisis, observations of Cooling 1940-1970 were used to promote nuclear power.)
In more detail, the IPCC selective support has contributed
  • common belief that CO2 changes cause temperature changes
  • great financial transfers in the energy sector,
  • substantial changes of societal resource allocation,
  • increased governmental influence,
  • a tremendous public interest in climate issues and
  • better reputation for nuclear power industry - indicating its near rehabilitation.

Few of these effects would have been a reality today, if media and public were aware of that non-IPCC scientists have found that the most decisive processes take place in space, out of control for mankind:
Climate change may be determined by space phenomena, rather than by anthropogenic carbon emissions. In an interview published 06.25.2007 by Discover Magazine, a research director explains that ... "in the standard view of climate change, you think of clouds as a result of the climate that you have. Our idea reverses that, turns things completely upside down, saying that the climate is a result of how the clouds are."

However, such evidence has been ignored by the intergovernmental climate panel, and even denied by people taking advantage of current climate politics. Responsible people in the IPCC may excuse themselves by referring to their instruction stating that "human-induced climate change" only is to be considered by IPCC supported research.

Comments are welcome revealing this cover-up process and linking to facts or statements from scientists ignored by the IPCC.